Detail of GM0158


The genetically modified enzybiotic, named HLz , constructed by Fusion to Peptides strategy, change or extend lytic spectrum.
With  HLz
  Sequence Length:  134 AA.
  Mass:  14874.7 Da.
  Isoelectric Point:  9.21
  Function:  The lytic activity of the fusion lysozyme against Micrococcus lysodeikticus was 80% of wild-type protein. But disply bactericidal activity against gram-negtive bacteria due to insertion of a hydrophobic pentapeptide into its C-terminus.


GM0158, constructed by Fusion to Peptides strategy.
    No schema construted on GM0158
GM0158[1-129]: derive from protein P00698 sequence 19-147

P00698, 147 AA., the Lysozyme C from Gallus gallus (Chicken)?

Source: Gallus gallus (Chicken)?

Domains and repeats

18-146:  IPR023346, the Lysozyme-like domain

GO term prediction

    No GO info found on GM0158

Linking to UniprotKB
Linging to InterPro



: EAD, lysozyme domain, derived from hen egg white lysozyme;
: PEP, peptide,peptide,FFVAP;
Domain and repeats:
GO term prediction:
  BlastP to GMEnzy


  1.  Expressed by pYG-100 in S. cereuisiae AH22,  Purified by two steps of cation-exchange chromatography first on CM-Toyopearl 650 column (7.5 X 1.7 cm) and rechromatographed on a CM-Toyopearl 650 column (12 X 1.5 cm)


  1.  MIC50 test on Escherichia coli (E.coli wild-type 3301) by the turbidity-reduction assays
  showed 2.5 ug /ml


  1. Ibrahim, H. R. Yamada, M. Matsushita, K. Kobayashi, K. Kato, A.. (1994) Enhanced bactericidal action of lysozyme to Escherichia coli by inserting a hydrophobic pentapeptide into its C terminus. J Biol Chem. 2697:5059-5063 [PMID:8106483]
  2. Ibrahim, H. R. Yamada, M. Kobayashi, K. Kato, A.. (1992) Bactericidal action of lysozyme against gram-negative bacteria due to insertion of a hydrophobic pentapeptide into its C-terminus. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 568:1361-1363 [PMID:1368848]


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