Record in detail
General Info
- lamp_id:L01A000297
- Name:DEF4_RAT
- FullName:Neutrophil antibiotic peptide NP-4
- Source:Rattus norvegicus
- Mass:3338.9 Da
- Sequence Length:31 aa
- Isoelectric Point:8.62
- Activity:Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiviral
- Sequence
ACYCRIGACVSGERLTGACGLNGRIYRLCCR - Function:Active in vitro against S.aureus, fungi, Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and to a lesser extent against an enveloped virus.
- Cross-linking
- 1 Database:APD 225
- 2 Database:CAMP CAMPSQ274
- 3 Database:DBAASP 871
- 4 Database:dbAMP dbAMP_00104
- 5 Database:DRAMP DRAMP03422
- 6 Database:SATPdb satpdb15057
- 7 Database:Uniprot Q62714
- 8 Database:DEF DEF196
Top similar AMPs
- Top similar AMPs on LAMP
- 1. L03A000284 From 63 To 93 E-value: 0.0000000000003 Score: 65.5
ACYCRIGACVSGERLTGACGLNGRIYRLCCR - 2. L01A000297 From 1 To 31 E-value: 0.000000000007 Score: 61.2
ACYCRIGACVSGERLTGACGLNGRIYRLCCR - 3. L05ADEF377 From 61 To 91 E-value: 0.00000007 Score: 47.8
TCSCRIGTCVSGEWLSWVCRINGRIYRLCCR - 4. L12A09232| From 59 To 87 E-value: 0.0000006 Score: 44.7
CSCRTSSCRFGERLSGACRLNGRIYRLCC - 5. L03A000287 From 59 To 87 E-value: 0.0000006 Score: 44.7
- Antibacterial Activities
- 1 Target: S. aureus 502A MIC: 50 μg/ml (14.975 μM)
- 2 Target: C. neoformans MIC: 10 μg/ml (2.995 μM)
- 3 Target: A.calcoaceticus MIC: 50 μg/ml (14.975 μM)
- Toxicity
No toxicity records found on LAMP database
- Reference
- [1] Selsted M.E.,Ganz T.,Szklarek D.,Harwig S.S.S.L.,Eisenhauer P.B.,
- Title:Purification and antimicrobial properties of three defensins from rat neutrophils.
- Journal:Infect. Immun., 1989, 57, 2021-2027 [MEDLINE:89277517]
- [2] Ouellette A.J.,Banaiee N.,Yuan J.,Wang M.-S.C.,Yount N.Y.,
- Title:Rat neutrophil defensins. Precursor structures and expression during neutrophilic myelopoiesis.
- Journal:J. Immunol., 1995, 155, 4476-4484 [MEDLINE:96025910]
- Comments
No comments found on LAMP database