Record in detail
General Info
- lamp_id:L01A000302
- FullName:Pilosulin-3a
- Source:Myrmecia pilosula
- Mass:2222.8 Da
- Sequence Length:20 aa
- Isoelectric Point:12.82
- Activity:Antibacterial, Antifungal
- Sequence
GLLSKFGRLARKLARVIPKV - Function:Has no hemolytic activity.
- Cross-linking
- 1 Database:CAMP CAMPSQ279
- 2 Database:DBAASP 2190
- 3 Database:dbAMP dbAMP_03640
- 4 Database:DRAMP DRAMP02769
- 5 Database:SATPdb satpdb15010
- 6 Database:Uniprot Q26464
Top similar AMPs
- Top similar AMPs on LAMP
- 1. L01A000302 From 1 To 20 E-value: 0.00002 Score: 39.7
GLLSKFGRLARKLARVIPKV - 2. L01A000648 From 1 To 20 E-value: 0.011 Score: 30
GLGSVFGRLARILGRVIPKV - 3. L02A000535 From 1 To 20 E-value: 0.011 Score: 30
GLGSVFGRLARILGRVIPKV - 4. L13A023974 From 1 To 20 E-value: 0.013 Score: 30
GLGSVFGRLARILGRVIPKV - 5. L02A001749 From 5 To 21 E-value: 3.6 Score: 21.9
- Domains
No domains found on LAMP database
- Structures
No structs found on LAMP database
- Antibacterial Activities
No MICs found on LAMP database
- Toxicity
No toxicity records found on LAMP database
- Reference
- [1] Alewood D.,Smith A.I.,Tetaz T.,Street M.D.,Donovan G.R.,
- Title:Expression of jumper ant (Myrmecia pilosula) venom allergens: post-translational processing of allergen gene products.
- Journal:Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int., 1996, 39, 877-885 [PubMed:8866004]
- [2] Baldo B.A.,Donovan G.R.,Street M.D.,
- Title:Molecular cloning and characterization of the major allergen Myr p II from the venom of the jumper ant Myrmecia pilosula: Myr p I and Myr p II share a common protein leader sequence.
- Journal:Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1996, 1305, 87-97 [MEDLINE:96180991]
- [3] Brown S.G.A.,Wiese M.D.,Davies N.W.,
- Title:Characterisation of major peptides in "jack jumper" ant venom by mass spectrometry.
- Journal:Toxicon, 2004, 43, 173-183 [PubMed:15019477]
- Comments
No comments found on LAMP database