Record in detail
General Info
- lamp_id:L01A000502
- FullName:Histatin-1
- Source:Macaca fascicularis
- Mass:4803.1 Da
- Sequence Length:38 aa
- Isoelectric Point:9.95
- Activity:Antibacterial, Antifungal
- Sequence
DSHEERHHGRHGHHKYGRKFHEKHHSHRGYRSNYLYDN - Function:Histatins are salivary proteins that are considered to be major precursors of the protective proteinaceous structure on tooth surfaces (enamel pellicle). In addition, histatins exhibit antibacterial and antifungal activities.
- Cross-linking
- 1 Database:APD 175
- 2 Database:CAMP CAMPSQ469
- 3 Database:dbAMP dbAMP_01204
- 4 Database:DRAMP DRAMP02623
- 5 Database:SATPdb satpdb28192
- 6 Database:Uniprot P34084
- 7 Database:AMD HIS1_MACFA
Top similar AMPs
- Top similar AMPs on LAMP
- 1. L01A000502 From 1 To 38 E-value: 0.000000000000001 Score: 73.2
DSHEERHHGRHGHHKYGRKFHEKHHSHRGYRSNYLYDN - 2. L12A07871| From 20 To 57 E-value: 0.00000000000004 Score: 68.6
DSHEERRQGRHGHHEYGRKFHEKHHSHRGYRSNYLYGN - 3. L12A07863| From 20 To 57 E-value: 0.00000000000005 Score: 68.2
DSHEEKHHGRHGHHEYGRKFQEKHYSHRGYRSNYLYGN - 4. L12A07825| From 20 To 51 E-value: 0.0000000003 Score: 55.8
DSHEKRHHG------YKRKFHEKHHSHRGYRSNYLYDN - 5. L03A000134 From 20 To 51 E-value: 0.0000000008 Score: 54.3
- Domains
No domains found on LAMP database
- Structures
No structs found on LAMP database
- Antibacterial Activities
No MICs found on LAMP database
- Toxicity
No toxicity records found on LAMP database
- Reference
- [1] Oppenheim F.G.,Troxler R.F.,Telser E.,Xu T.,
- Title:Primary structure and anticandidal activity of the major histatin from parotid secretion of the subhuman primate, Macaca fascicularis.
- Journal:J. Dent. Res., 1990, 69, 1717-1723 [MEDLINE:91036314]
- Comments
No comments found on LAMP database