Record in detail
General Info
- lamp_id:L01A002768
- FullName:Ocellatin-4
- Source:Leptodactylus ocellatus
- Mass:2275.7 Da
- Sequence Length:21 aa
- Isoelectric Point:6.34
- Activity:Antibacterial
- Sequence
GLLDFVTGVGKDIFAQLIKQI - Function:Has hemolytic activity against human erythrocytes (HC50=14.3uM). Has antibacterial activity against the Gram-positive bacterium S.aureus ATCC 25923 (MIC=64uM) and the Gram-negative bacterium E.coli ATCC 25922 (MIC=64uM).
- Cross-linking
- 1 Database:APD 894
- 2 Database:CAMP CAMPSQ806
- 3 Database:DBAASP 4115
- 4 Database:dbAMP dbAMP_03498
- 5 Database:DRAMP DRAMP01174
- 6 Database:SATPdb satpdb19755
- 7 Database:Uniprot P85090
Top similar AMPs
- Top similar AMPs on LAMP
- 1. L01A002768 From 1 To 21 E-value: 0.000003 Score: 42
GLLDFVTGVGKDIFAQLIKQI - 2. L11A012406 From 2 To 21 E-value: 0.099 Score: 26.9
LLKFVTKVGKAIFKALIKAI - 3. L02A001404 From 1 To 21 E-value: 0.31 Score: 25.4
GVLDILTGAGKDLLAHALSKL - 4. L11A004384 From 1 To 21 E-value: 0.46 Score: 24.6
GILDTVKGVAKDVAAHLLNMV - 5. L12A01002| From 14 To 34 E-value: 0.46 Score: 24.6
- Domains
No domains found on LAMP database
- Structures
No structs found on LAMP database
- Antibacterial Activities
- 1 Target: E. coli MIC: 145.645 μg/ml (64 μM)
- 2 Target: S. aureus MIC: 145.645 μg/ml (64 μM)
- Toxicity
- Reference
- [1] Sousa M.V.,Sebben A.,Perales J.,Chapeaurouge A.,Nascimento A.C.C.,
- Title:Purification, characterization and homology analysis of ocellatin 4, a cytolytic peptide from the skin secretion of the frog Leptodactylus ocellatus.
- Journal:Toxicon, 2007, 50, 1095-1104 [PubMed:17884127]
- Comments
No comments found on LAMP database