Record in detail
General Info
- lamp_id:L01A002939
- FullName:Defensin
- Source:Drosophila melanogaster
- Mass:4360 Da
- Sequence Length:40 aa
- Isoelectric Point:8.39
- Activity:Antibacterial
- Sequence
ATCDLLSKWNWNHTACAGHCIAKGFKGGYCNDKAVCVCRN - Function:Responsible for the anti Gram-positive activity of immune hemolymph. Expressed in the absence of immune challenge during metamorphosis.
- Cross-linking
- 1 Database:APD 1564
- 2 Database:CAMP CAMPSQ894
- 3 Database:dbAMP dbAMP_00624
- 4 Database:DRAMP DRAMP03092
- 5 Database:SATPdb satpdb19720
- 6 Database:Uniprot P36192
- 7 Database:DEF DEF138
Top similar AMPs
- Top similar AMPs on LAMP
- 1. L03A000136 From 53 To 92 E-value: 5e-20 Score: 88.2
ATCDLLSKWNWNHTACAGHCIAKGFKGGYCNDKAVCVCRN - 2. L01A002939 From 1 To 40 E-value: 1e-18 Score: 83.6
ATCDLLSKWNWNHTACAGHCIAKGFKGGYCNDKAVCVCRN - 3. L12A00606| From 1 To 40 E-value: 0.000000000000005 Score: 71.6
ATCDLASKWNWNHTLCAAHCIARRYRGGYCNSKAVCVCRN - 4. L12A00605| From 1 To 40 E-value: 0.000000000003 Score: 62.4
ATCDLASIFNVNHALCAAHCIARRYRGGYCNSKAVCVCRN - 5. L03A000167 From 55 To 94 E-value: 0.000000000004 Score: 61.6
- Antibacterial Activities
No MICs found on LAMP database
- Toxicity
No toxicity records found on LAMP database
- Reference
- [1] Lanot R.,Bulet P.,Meister M.,Hoffmann D.,Dimarcq J.-L.,
- Title:Characterization and transcriptional profiles of a Drosophila gene encoding an insect defensin. A study in insect immunity.
- Journal:Eur. J. Biochem., 1994, 221, 201-209 [MEDLINE:94222062]
- [2] Gocayne J.D.,Evans C.A.,Holt R.A.,Celniker S.E.,Adams M.D.,
- Title:The genome sequence of Drosophila melanogaster.
- Journal:Science, 2000, 287, 2185-2195 [MEDLINE:20196006]
- [3] Campbell K.S.,Matthews B.B.,Mungall C.J.,Crosby M.A.,Misra S.,
- Title:Annotation of the Drosophila melanogaster euchromatic genome: a systematic review.
- Journal:Genome Biol., 2002, 3, 0-0 [MEDLINE:22426069]
- [4] Clark A.G.,Lazzaro B.P.,
- Title:Molecular population genetics of inducible antibacterial peptide genes in Drosophila melanogaster.
- Journal:Mol. Biol. Evol., 2003, 20, 914-923 [MEDLINE:22625906]
- Comments
No comments found on LAMP database