Record in detail
General Info
- lamp_id:L01A003629
- FullName:Thaumatin-like protein
- Source:Castanopsis chinensis
- Mass:1796.1 Da
- Sequence Length:15 aa
- Isoelectric Point:11.66
- Activity:Antifungal, Antiviral
- Sequence
AKITFTNNHPRTIWP - Function:Has antifungal activity against B.cinerea, F.oxysporum, M.arachidicola and P.piricola. Inhibits HIV-1 reverse transcriptase.
- Cross-linking
- 1 Database:CAMP CAMPSQ1120
- 2 Database:dbAMP dbAMP_00299
- 3 Database:DRAMP DRAMP00272
- 4 Database:SATPdb satpdb13470
- 5 Database:Uniprot P83957
Top similar AMPs
- Top similar AMPs on LAMP
- 1. L01A003629 From 1 To 15 E-value: 0.0004 Score: 34.7
AKITFTNNHPRTIWP - 2. L12A00662| From 1 To 15 E-value: 0.26 Score: 25
ATITFTNKCTRTVWP - 3. L13A020864 From 1 To 15 E-value: 0.3 Score: 25
ATITFTNKCTRTVWP - 4. L01A003631 From 1 To 15 E-value: 0.38 Score: 24.6
- Domains
No domains found on LAMP database
- Structures
No structs found on LAMP database
- Antibacterial Activities
- 1 Target: B.cinerea F.oxysporum IC50: 0.9 μg/ml (0.501086 μM)
- 2 Target: M.arachidicola P.piricola HIV-1 reverse transcript IC50: 2.87 μg/ml (1.59791 μM)
- Toxicity
No toxicity records found on LAMP database
- Reference
- [1] Ng T.B.,Chu K.T.,
- Title:Isolation of a large thaumatin-like antifungal protein from seeds of the Kweilin chestnut Castanopsis chinensis.
- Journal:Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 2003, 301, 364-370 [PubMed:12565869]
- Comments
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