Record in detail
General Info
- lamp_id:L02A000200
- FullName:Chloride channel protein
- Source:Torpedo marmorata
- Mass:1613 Da
- Sequence Length:14 aa
- Isoelectric Point:11.28
- Activity:Antibacterial,Antifungal,Antiviral,,Anticancer
- Sequence
LKLKSIVSWAKKVL - Function:Voltage-gated chloride channel. This channel is thought to ensure the high conductance of the non-innervated membrane of the electrocyte necessary for efficient current generation caused by sodium influx through the acetylcholine receptor at the innervated membrane.
- Cross-linking
- 1 Database:APD 200
- 2 Database:CAMP CAMPSQ2743
- 3 Database:DBAASP 3329
- 4 Database:dbAMP dbAMP_05798
- 5 Database:DRAMP DRAMP03024
- 6 Database:SATPdb satpdb10111
- 7 Database:Uniprot P21564
- 8 Database:AMD MAST_VESBA
Top similar AMPs
- Top similar AMPs on LAMP
- 1. L02A000200 From 1 To 14 E-value: 0.071 Score: 26.9
LKLKSIVSWAKKVL - 2. L11A012793 From 1 To 14 E-value: 0.14 Score: 25.8
LKLKNIVSWAKKVL - 3. L11A012794 From 1 To 14 E-value: 0.18 Score: 25.4
LKLKSIVSYAKKVL - 4. L13A011599 From 1 To 13 E-value: 0.19 Score: 25.4
LKLKSIVSWAKKV - 5. L13A017711 From 1 To 14 E-value: 0.23 Score: 25.4
- Antibacterial Activities
No MICs found on LAMP database
- Toxicity
No toxicity records found on LAMP database
- Reference
- [1] Schwarz G.,Steinmeyer K.,Jentsch T.J.,
- Title:Primary structure of Torpedo marmorata chloride channel isolated by expression cloning in Xenopus oocytes.
- Journal:Nature, 1990, 348, 510-514 [MEDLINE:91061906]
- [2] Dutzler R.,Meyer S.,
- Title:Crystal structure of the cytoplasmic domain of the chloride channel ClC-0.
- Journal:Structure, 2006, 14, 299-307 [PubMed:16472749]
- Comments
No comments found on LAMP database