Record in detail
General Info
- lamp_id:L11A004364
- Name:Alyteserin-2a [N15K]
- FullName:
- Source:
- Mass:1598 Da
- Sequence Length:16 aa
- Isoelectric Point:10.8
- Activity:Gram+Gram-CancerFungusMammalian Cell
- Sequence
- Cross-linking
- 1 Database:DBAASP 4364
Top similar AMPs
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ILGKLLSTAAKLLSKL - 5. L13A010503 From 1 To 15 E-value: 0.11 Score: 26.6
- Domains
No domains found on LAMP database
- Structures
No structs found on LAMP database
- Antibacterial Activities
No MICs found on LAMP database
- Toxicity
No toxicity records found on LAMP database
- Reference
- [1] Conlon JM, Mechkarska M, Arafat K, Attoub S, Sonnevend A
- Title:Analogues of the frog skin peptide alyteserin-2a with enhanced antimicrobial activities against Gram-negative bacteria
- Journal:J Pept Sci, 2012, 18, 270-275 [:22392897]
- [2] Conlon JM, Mechkarska M, Prajeep M, Arafat K, Zaric M, Lukic ML, Attoub S
- Title:Transformation of the naturally occurring frog skin peptide, alyteserin-2a into a potent, non-toxic anti-cancer agent
- Journal:Amino Acids, 2013, 44, 715-723 [:22965637]
- Comments
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